Academy Hall Museum 785 Old Main Street Rocky Hill, CT 06067​        

Protecting, Preserving, and Promoting the History of Rocky Hill, CT 

snail mail: P.O. Box 185

​​​phone: (860) 563-6704

   Nonprofit 501 (C) (3)

Ethel (Miner) Cooke was a life member of the Rocky Hill Historical Society, where she established the library that was named in her honor, and where she served as town historian and researcher, a job she cherished for many years.

All Library Holdings include...

Ethel Miner Cooke Library

Click All Library Holdings to search a topic in the library. 

 Ethel Miner Cooke  1904-1994

  1. Genealogy
  2. Local Authors
  3. Local History
  4. Maps
  5. Posters
  6. Reference
  7. Special Collections
  8. Special Formats
  9. Town Government


​Rocky Hill Historical Society