​Rocky Hill Historical Society

Academy Hall Museum 785 Old Main Street Rocky Hill, CT 06067​        

Protecting, Preserving, and Promoting the History of Rocky Hill, CT 

snail mail: P.O. Box 185

​​​phone: (860) 563-6704

   Nonprofit 501 (C) (3)

Sec. 3. Program committee.  The Program Committee is charged with the arrangement and presentation of education programs.

Participate in one of our events or join a committee and make your own 

email: infoRHhistory@gmail.com​

RHHS members have been producing programs since 1962, with 239 programs presented over 54 years. That’s historic right? Each year we also participate in a number of annual community events. Check out the calendar.

In 2016, we continue with the purpose of providing a place, Academy Hall Museum, where people who are interested in the history of the Town of Rocky Hill, may attain a better understanding and appreciation of our local, State, Nation and American heritage.

The Society’s function is to discover and collect materials of historical significance. Since this collection function drives our programming, the first quarter of 2016 will be focused on organizing and cataloguing our vast quantity of artifacts. The rest of our calendar is filled with exciting historical events. Don't miss them.

 So do you want to make history? Come on down to Academy Hall on Tuesdays from 10:00-12:00 or Saturdays from 12:30-3:00 to volunteer. We’ll be there. Become a member if you are not already and look for the next Newsletter with specific dates of programs and events for the year.